20 February 2010

Kaurageous - Uniting Sikh Women in Slough

"Come my sisters and dear comrades! Clasp me in thine embrace. Meeting together, let us tell the tales of our Omnipotent Spouse (God). In the True Lord are all merits, in us all demerits."
(Guroo Nanak Dev Jee, Sri Raag, Ang. 17)

KAURAGEOUS has been launched to unite ALL Sikh women to bring together thoughts, ideas, discussions, raising spiritual awareness and to highlight issues within society as being a Sikh woman today. Kaurageous is about supporting one another and maintaining sisterhood. By raising the awareness of Sikhi all sisters can take away the jewels of the principles and values taught within Sikhi.
ALL Sikh sisters are welcome, from all backrounds!
KAURAGEOUS is there for physical and spiritual activities to develop ourselves and our inner strength. It includes talks (about sikhi and how to make a difference as sikh women), discussions, sports, activities and loads more also including days out together.

The atmosphere is chilled out and relaxed, no one is there to judge your actions, beliefs or what shoes your wearing!!

Mainly aimed at girls 13 and above...

18 February 2010

Gurbani Santhiya Classes

What is Santhiya?

Santhiya is the Correct pronunciation of Gurbani, taught in the manner of how our 10th King Siree Guroo Gobind Singh Jee wanted us to read and pronounce the Holy Shabadh.
The Sakhee Behind Gurbani Sanithya can be found here:

Each time we unintentionally mispronounce gurbanee, we are hurting our own father, we should ALL make an effort to come Gurbani Santhiya classes, no matter what age, group, belief, agenda, its our duty to learn Shud Uchaaran (correct pronunciation).

Gurbani Santhiya Classes in Slough are taught by Students of Dam Dami Taksaal (Bhindran-Mehta), who themselves have had Santhiya from Ustaads such as Ustaad Bhai Charanjeet Singh Jee, Ustaad Gyaanee Pritam Singh Jee "Likharee" and other Ustaads of Guroo Sahibs own University...

In a day and age, when people are "self teaching", learning in other manners, or not learning gurmukhee at all, (instead just knowing basic punjabi and become granthees, and parchaaraks - preachers) one thing that struck me when said was:
"You no if your having Santhiya correctly and how Guroo Sahib wanted you too, if you can link your teacher all the way back to Baba Deep Singh Jee, Bhai Mani Singh Jee and our own Father, Dhan Siree Guroo Gobind Singh Jee"

Gurbani Santhiya is Taught on
Thursdays - 7:00 - 8:00
Saturdays - 6:00 - 8:00
Singh Sabha Slough (Back Hall)

Maharaaj Jee wrote Gurbanee in Larreevaar...here is a hath-likhath (handwritten) Saroop of Siree Guroo Granth Sahib Jee Maharaaj, its currently @ the British Libary, Dated 1859. Santhiya is the Key to read Gurbanee in its orginal roop.