"Come my sisters and dear comrades! Clasp me in thine embrace. Meeting together, let us tell the tales of our Omnipotent Spouse (God). In the True Lord are all merits, in us all demerits."
(Guroo Nanak Dev Jee, Sri Raag, Ang. 17)
KAURAGEOUS has been launched to unite ALL Sikh women to bring together thoughts, ideas, discussions, raising spiritual awareness and to highlight issues within society as being a Sikh woman today. Kaurageous is about supporting one another and maintaining sisterhood. By raising the awareness of Sikhi all sisters can take away the jewels of the principles and values taught within Sikhi.
ALL Sikh sisters are welcome, from all backrounds!KAURAGEOUS is there for physical and spiritual activities to develop ourselves and our inner strength. It includes talks (about sikhi and how to make a difference as sikh women), discussions, sports, activities and loads more also including days out together.
The atmosphere is chilled out and relaxed, no one is there to judge your actions, beliefs or what shoes your wearing!!
Mainly aimed at girls 13 and above...
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