16 February 2011

Who are 1G? - 1G Info Pack


1God 1Guru 1Goal


Mission Statement:

"1G aims to educate Young People with Sikhi in its truest form and empower them with knowledge, the strongest weapon."


Who are 1G?

1G are a group of committed volunteers promoting Sikhism. Individuals passionate about spreading Sikh values and practicality for everyday living in a relaxed and sociable environment. 



  • Hold regular events in conjunction with other charities and organisations.
  • Establish a successful Youth Organisation / Charity in South–East England.
  • Create a Support System for the community and future generations.



  • Attract a wide range of young Sikhs from different backgrounds.
  • Create a fun, friendly and relaxed environment where no one is judged.
  • Provide information thorough various mediums.


What does 1G do?

  • Monthly Talks
  • Monthly Newsletter
  • Trips
  • Workshops
  • Discussions/Debates
  • Sporting Events (Football Tournaments)
  • Meditation Sessions
  • Correct Gurbani Pronunciation Classes (Weekly)


Who is 1G aimed at?

Mainly Young Adults, 15+, male and female of any caste, colour and creed.


Who Runs 1G?

1G is run by Youth from around Slough and South East England.  Volunteers come from a wide range of backgrounds, and are not all born in Amrit Dhari households.

 It is run with the blessings of Siree Guru Granth Sahib Jee and the Sangat. It is independent from any Committees.


Contact Us:

Telephone Number: 07783592953

Email: 1gseva@gmail.com | sikhyouthslough@hotmail.com

Website: www.SikhYouthSlough.blogspot.com

Facebook:  www.facebook.com/1gseva

1G Presents:


The Game of Love; because it isn't as simple as it seems...

As the Month of St Valentine passes, lovers fill the air with gestures of romance. But there is a greater love... the love for Humanity... the love for Waheguru.
So we ask the Question: Do we know the true meaning of "love"? what are the limits of this feeling? what would we really do for it?
Join us for an evening of discussion.
all are welcome and all are invited to play the True Game of Love.
Facebook Event: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=8678340694#!/event.php?eid=191025610921938 
James Elliman School
Elliman Ave SL2 5BA
Friday 18th Feb 2011

More Details Contact:
www.facebook.com/1gseva (look for Slough Sikhs)

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