27 June 2011

Indraj Singh - pls read this emtional story


vaahiguroo, pls pls pls spend few mins reading this pls..
this made my cry (i havent cried in god noes how long)
pls jeeo, pls pls read this...and learn about gursikh ways of doing things..
feel the power of naam...and the pyar for maharaj...
dhan guroo pyareh..
dhan guroo sahib..
dhan dhan...

Someone sent me this beautiful story on email. i thought i should share it with the rest of the cybersangat.

I was standing in Ardas with Sree Sahib in my hand to preform sevaa
for Degh when someone behind me began doing Simran swaas-swaas. The
breathing was really strained as if the person was in Bairaag. I
couldn't look back then but when i began serving Degh I was able to
indentify the mystery Naam-lover. It was the young boy, Indraj
Singh" A dear brother told me thus about this young Singh.

A child if you look at his age. A wise Bairaagee when you realize
his spirtuality. Such as the innocent Indraj Singh. Some people had
observed him crying in Bairaag during Keertan but non realized how
pure and love-lorn was his state. Guru Saahib took him into the
Sacchi Dargehh recently and he is no longer amidst us in the
physical form but his stories and lessons of practical living
continue to inspire us. There wasn't an iota of cleverness in him.
Whatever he was told by his parents about Gursikhi, he took it
literally and lived accordingly. The examples are amazing and have
opened my eyes to the hypocrisy in my own living.

"Guru Saahib says that if you come acorss a Sikh, you must greet the
Sikh with a humble Gur-Fateh", his mom told him once. Indraj Singh
took the lesson to heart. Ever since, he would get off his bike to
say "Vaheguroo jee ka khalsa, Vaheguroo jee kee fateh!" to every
passing Gursikh and "Sat Sri Akaal" to Punjabis.

"Beta, Sikhs are instructed to not entertain any lustful thoughts
and love and respect those of opposit sex as their own children,
siblings, or parents". How the Innocent Indraj Singh implemented
this in his life came to light the day some girls from his class
came to offer their condonlences at his passing away. "He called all
of us 'sister'. We feel like we have lost a true brother". How much
better all of our lives could be if everyone could follow in Veer
Indraj Singh's footsteps!

"I don't recall any time when we had to repeat ourselves to Indraj
Singh. He was very obedient, very quiet and dutiful," tell his
father, S. Jaswinder Singh. Someone once told him to wear a mala for
Simran. It just became another body part for him. Whatever may be
the situation he would find a way to keep the mala on his self.

Narration of his last moments by his Dad (S. Jaswinder Singh) and
Mom (S. Ravinderpal Kaur)

Dad: He had a minor heart defect since birth that needed surgical
correction. We kept postponing it in the hope that the defect would
heal on its own. However, after our trip to India earlier this year,
where we had traveled the length and breadth of the country to pay
obeisance at each historic Gurdwara, the doctors recommended that
surgery be preformed. On my hesitance, Indraj Singh commented,
"Daddy, I can handle it. Dont worry about it. Let's go through with
it." We relented and the date was set.

Mom: On the day of the surgery, I told him, "Beta, let me hold on to
your mala, I'll give it to you later. Just keep your focus on the
Shabad". Even while being wheeled into the operating room, he was
murmuring the Shabad.

Dad: Some time after the routine surgery, complications developed
and things turned for the worse as an infection seized him. Indraj
Singh's blood was clotting and the wounds were not healing. The
doctors administered a blood thining agent that created new
problems. A mysterious virus gripped his bruised and bleeding body.
Unable to diagnose the cause of the multiple serious complications,
the doctors placed Indraj Singh under a "Cold Blanket" (a procedure
where the body tempreture is dropped to around 30 degrees celsius)
to stall the spread of virus.

Mom: Throughout the ordeal whenever Indraj Singh was conscious he
never complained of any pain or discomfort. I asked him a few times
one day to really tell us if he was hurting but his reply as before
was in the negative. I then remarked, "Beta, too bauhut Bholla Hai".
"Singh Bholey hi haundey ney Mummi" Was his reply.

Dad: Gursikhs around the world were praying daily for him. One singh
in Toronto would do Five Sukhmani Sahibs for Indraj Singh. Gursikhs
in Vancouver preformed a Sehej Paath for him besides praying daily
at Amritvelaa. Many were the Choupayee Sahib Paaths done by even
young children. There were numerous others in Europe and India. Out
of the blue, one day, we got a call from a Granthi Singh of Sree
Darbaar Sahib, Amritsar. "Khakey da ki naam hai. Eis laiee Ardaas
Karni Hai". They preformed ardaas for him both at Darbar Sahib and
Akaal Takhat Sahib. Some kind soul must have prompted them.

Mom: We were getting desperate. It had been more than a month of
seeing our litle one in such a horrific state. Is Guru Saahib not
listening to our Ardas? Litle did i know that in His own mysterious
way He was paving the way for the emancipation of our son.

Dad: Indraj Singh had been asking me to let him Take Amrit at every
Ammrit Sanchaar that would come up since he was five. I stopped him
each time as i was apprehensive of violence in schools and someone
grabbing his Kirpaan to cause damage. I assured him that we would
take him to an Amrit Sanchaar the day he graduated from High School.
I guess we was not prepared to wait that long. When the doctors
first told us that his chances of survival were minimal, we became
anxious to fuffil his wish for Amrit. It was a difficult situation.
Indraj Singh was not in a shape to be taken out of the hospital and
we had never heard of Punj Piyaarey going to the hospital to an
Abhilakhi. I spoke with several Singhs but there didnt seem to be a
soultion. I then called my father in India. Although he rarely
speaks, that day my father patiently spent a long time with me on
the phone. He stressed that we must get the boy Amrit. I was almost
out of options when i came across a Singh who does sevaa with the
DamDami Taksaal. He informed us that they have written maryadaa that
allows for such exemptions. My heart lept with joy. Atleast. our son
will go as Gurmukh! Amrit was our administered as per the Singhs'

Dad: I was particularily tired on the night of September 21st 2005
having spent almost the entire day by Indraj Singh's bedside.
Instead of heading home i just collapsed on the courtesy sofa beside
his bed and fell half asleep. Around 2:00am my brother-in-law woke
me up. The doctors had advised that Indraj Singh was in his last
hours and we should call whoever needed to see him. I immediately
sent for someone to fetch my wife. We did Simran for a few hours and
then did our complete nitnem. Indraj Singh was holding on. Then a
though struck me. Sukhmanee Sahib has 24 Ashtpadees. They account
for each breath we take in a day making them worthwhile. Let us do
Sukhmanee Sahib with Indraj Singh. None of us knew it by heart,
though. I called a Singh who worked at a nearby office. He showed up
about 3 mins later with a couple of Gutkey Saahib. We all did
Sukhmanee Sahib. Indraj Singh was most peaceful after the Paath.

Mom: I was very emotional at the time. We could hear Indraj Singh
doing simran but he was beyond the stage of coming back to us. I
pulled myself together for the Ardaas. Somehow, the Ardaseeyaa
prayed to Guru Saahib to give Indraj Singh a place in Sach Kaand.
This is usually not done for lthe living but it all came just
naturally. After the Ardaas, when we said Fateh, i distinctly heard
Indraj Singh reply back, "Vaheguroo jee ka khalsa, Vaheguroo jee kee
fateh". As we all let out jikaare, all monitoring systems shut down.
Our son had really left for his True Mother, Mata Sahib Kaur.

Dad: The passing away of our son was so spirtually uplifting that no
one cried much then. The following two weeks were like our home was
turned into heaven. Keertan day and night and Sehej Paath all day.
Finally on the day of the cremation, the scene of hundreds of
Gursikhs there to give Sachiyaa Aseesaa to Indraj Singh was one to
behold It felt like Gurbaani was imprinted all around us, floating,
swinging to melodious tunes .We are so lucky to have had the chance
to parent such a Gurmukh soul. May Satguru Ji forgive us for any
mistakes that we made in caring for him and may he forever seve


Bhull chaak maauf Karnee.

vaheguroo ji ka khalsa vaheguroo ji ki phatehi

taken from a gupt singhs stuff..

Keeping Sikhi Alive in Slough.

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